We deliver our each file with a complete detail, either if customer need teckpack or not.
Yes but there is slight difference between our TECKPACK file and STANDARD file, is that teckpack file is more detailed oriented and minor details are also provided with size chart as well, while standard file only contain main design file,major technical Details and print or embroidery detail page.
Our STANDARD File is consist of:
- Jpeg for Main Design Page with fabric details
- Jpeg for Technical details page(ready to provide to manufacturer)
- Jpeg for print/embroidery details
- PDF for all three pages
Our Teckpack File is consist of:
- Jpeg for Main Design Page with fabric details,brand details,season details etc
- Jpeg for colorways (if any)
- Jpeg for Technical details page included stitch details, accessory details, any other specific details(ready to provide to manufacturer)
- Jpeg for print/embroidery details
- Jpeg for size chart
- Jpeg for Label/Tag ( if any or required by customer)
- Single PDF File for all pages